50:50 Club
Year commencing 1st October, 2024
- JAN 2025 Peter Herriott £105
- DEC 2024 Alex Huggins £105
- NOV 2024 Phil Eaves £104
- OCT 2024 Lionel Thurlow £104
50/50 Club Rules - Contact Kelvin Morton
1) Each entry shall cost £24 per annum and there is no restriction on the number of entries a member may hold.
2) The Club is open only to members, who are over the age of 18, of the Risbygate Sports Club.
3) The draw will take place at the end of each month. Winners will be notified and a cheque will be sent to them as soon as possible after the draw has been made. A list of winners will be displayed.
4) 50% of all monies raised each month will be paid in prizes. The remaining
50% will be donated to the Risbygate Sports Club for the Management Committee to use as they see fit in accordance with the Club constitution.
5) The annual entry fee commences on 1st October and can either be paid by cheque, bank transfer or direct debit. Only paid up members will be entered in the draw.
6) All entrants will be allocated a number in order of their application and they will retain that number for the duration of the Club year (commencing 1st October each year). If existing members of the 50/50 club re-join by the 1st October they will retain their existing number (s).
7) Any member who joins during the year will be required to pay at the monthly rate of £2 for the remainder of the Club year e.g. If joining 1st January would pay 9 months x £2 = £18 (January to September inclusive). In such cases they will enter the draw from the end of that month i.e. in this example January.
8) The Management Committee will decide on all unforeseen matters.
Method of Payment- Cash or cheque (payable to Risbygate Sports Club).
Bank details: Santander Sort Code 09 01 53. A/C 22795486 for internet banking.
Please complete form and enclose money and pay to the office which is open weekdays (am).